19 July 2007

The Chips Are Falling...The Greasy Ass Kettle Cooked Kind. You Know What I'm Talking About!

Breaking days of silence and brooding, U.S. Sen. of Virginia and stunning Danny Bonaduce lookalike, Jim Webb finally endorsed a call by fellow Democratic senators to pull most U.S. combat troops out of Iraq by next April.

The chips are falling! Now it's the honorable gentleman from Virginia, the rest of the Democratic senate, the rational U.S. citizens and every Republican with a soul that wants us out of Iraq...oh, and the Iraqi's too, but who's counting?

The Republicans are getting close to pulling off the filibuster (As a form of obstructionism in a congress or other decision making body, a filibuster is an attempt to extend debate upon a proposal in order to delay or completely prevent a vote on its passage) that the Dems could not when the decision to confirm Scalia's nomination to the Supreme court. The Dems need 6 more votes to break the filibuster and commence cloture (look it up yourself).

When they stand up we'll stand down my aching ass! Find out more about where the congress stands here.

Find out more about Danny Bonaduce here. Motherfucker's crazy!

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