18 July 2007

An Open Suggestion To The Candidates and Their Delagates

On my main Google splash page I have a number of very useful widgets that help me get through my day. There are top headlines from the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian UK and Wired News for the techno-weenie in me.

There is also a crossword puzzle from the fine folks over at puzzlerscave.com. It really sets my grey matter on fire in the early morning hours.

The most helpful item, however, is the "How To" section which links from help articles on WikiHow.com.

I ignore most of them, but I thought that one today would be helpful to the newest candidates on their quest for the polished marble and bloody hand prints of the white house. This little suggestion was third down on the list right after "How to crowd surf" and "How to spot fake DVD's".

While those are indeed important, this caught my eye: "How to be humble."

The page suggests various steps in the process. The first five are:
  1. Appreciate your talents
  2. Understand your limitations
  3. Recognize your faults
  4. Stop comparing
  5. Appreciate the talents of others
These are good thoughts to keep in mind, candidates, as we start rolling towards this empty, hollow sham of an election. And if you can put down the unstrained grain alcohol and high powered black blotter acid long enough to consider the talents of people like Dennis Kucinich and Rudy Giuliani, it will be that much sweeter when you SMOKE THEIR ASSES!

Hooray for humility!

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