05 May 2008

We've Got A New Purpose (and by 'we' I mean 'me')

Hello there, friends. Welcome back, once again, to Kilroy Got Pigeonholed, your one stop outlet for all things rant related. I'm going to be expanding the site to included more than just politics (but no celebrity gossip, I fucking swear!).

But I will be adding random thoughts, essays, articles revolving around all aspects of this American life. Please feel free to add your comments, questions, hate mail to any of the things I say on this site.

Because while it is true that I've only ever been wrong once (read: getting super excited about the release of Spider Man 3) I may, in fact, be wrong on this site from time to time. And oh man, what would I do without you three or four readers to set me straight?

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

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