17 July 2007

Harriet Miers Is An Old Blue-Haired Bitch...But What A Badass!

Are you following the Attorney Firing's Scandal? Yes? No? Oh, I can hear what you're saying...it's too confusing...I can't follow it...I'm busy!

You've got some attitude you little prick! I just asked you a question. But you're right. It is rather complicated, and I don't feel like explaining it, so you can learn all about it here.

But, do you remember the ill-fated Harriet Miers? The former white -house cleaning lady (joking) who Bush nominated for the Supreme Court after she sodomized him (lying) with his horse-cock like member (it's just what I've heard).

Well the bitch is back! And...refusing to appear under subpoena before the House Judiciary Committee with regards to her knowledge of the illicit Attorney Firings.

According to Think Progress:
"In a letter sent to House Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers (D-MI), George Manning, the attorney for former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, said that because of President Bush’s claim of executive privilege, “Ms. Miers will not appear before the comittee or otherwise produce documents or provide testimony as set forth in the Committee’s subpoena.” The Committee has previously warned that if Miers does not comply with the subpoena, she may face contempt of Congress."
Wow! What a hard-ass. But, to be fair...even if she is found in contempt and does go to jail...her boss and lover can just commute her sentence.

What a Country!

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