21 February 2006

British Historian "Dumbass" Denies Holocaust, Receives 3 Years In Austrian Prison

Stuffy, stupid, arrogant, coke-ridden, fat, whoremonger. No, that isn't Rush Limbaugh's current Resume. That is a description of equally conservative British 'historian' David Irving who has been jailed in Austria for denying the commonly accepted records of the Holocaust, going as far as to state publicly that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Now, if this dickhead were in the U.S. I'd have a problem with his imprisonment. But as far as I know, Austria doesn't have a first amendment. So let 'em fry the shithead.

Oh, and by the way, like all conservative "idealists" he was quick to change his views on the Holocaust once he discovered he was facing up to ten years in prison.

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