15 February 2006

Cheney Dons Coonskin Cap and War Paint, Claims: "Next Time, I'll Shoot To Kill!"

Vice President Dick Cheney's unfortunate 'accidental' shooting of 78-79 year old friend/aquaitance/friend again Whittington should come as no surprise now as it was revealed just hours ago that Cheney, Whittington and Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover were planning to launch long range Nuclear missiles at an undisclosed Chechnian province in the hopes of creating a new super-race of legless, spaghetti eating Zombies.

On the heels of this report comes the obligatory "non-denial" denial from the Veep's office where he stated: "I categorically deny any wrongdoing here. It is clearly stated in an Executive Order dated 1/14/06, that it is no longer the Commander-in-Chief's responsibility to develop the pasta loving undeads...it's mine." No further comment was available at press time.

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