16 February 2006

As 10th Anniversary of The Fox News Channel Nears, Hack Bill O'Reilly Celebrates 10 Billionth Time Wrong

Bill O'Reilly celebrated his ten billionth time being wrong today in a stunning display of idiocy. Many on the left dismissed this momentous occasion as nothing more than a stunt intended to bring more attention to Fox News's upcoming tenth anniversary on the air. Progressive Radio Host Phil Lamman had this to say: "It's nothing more than bells and whistles at this point. No regular human being could ever possibly be wrong so consistently. O'Reilly is either functionally retarded, or an alien."

Many in the news world have long suspected O'Reilly of actually being Klomanid 6 of the God's Eye nebula, but have been unable to solidify any evidence thus far. One thing is for sure though, Bill O'Reilly's talents at misinformation, manipulation, distortion and ignorance are out of this world.

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