01 November 2006

Tony Snow Has No Catty, Bitchy Ties To Fox News Or The GOP...No, Seriously!

District of Cumfuckmia, October 31, 2006 -- Tony Snow had to be heavily sedated on Friday because of a recent PR feud with Senator John Kerry.

Snow was apparently so hurt by the comments made by Kerry that he had to be coaxed from behind the press-room podium with a lollipop. He had been crying in the fetal position for over thirteen hours.

After his favorite 'banky' had been fetched and his mother had been called in to stroke his hair, he seemed to calm down a bit.

The incident began when Kerry commented about the U.S. currently being "Stuck in Iraq." Everyone who was there and anyone who has a brain knew Kerry was speaking of the Bush Administration and not the troops.

Snow, however, had this to say: "As for the notion that you can say this sort of thing about the troops and say you support them, it's interesting."

Kerry then fired back:
"I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy. I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium."

Snow was too overcome by really, really girly tears to respond. He was still sucking his thumb at press-time.

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