21 November 2006

...So Goes The Nation...I Guess

Hey! I've got a whacky idea for the ultra-Liberals out there. Stop throwing together amateurish documentaries. Seriously. For the love of Krishna! I can't take it anymore. You can chuck a rock and hit a leftist slide show with the same oogy music and tumultuous voice-overs that the conservatives use.

Propaganda is an awesome way to do nothing but loose credibility for your ideology with those who disagree and angry up the blood of those who don't.

So, if there's an actual angle to your film and you have more than $250 to spend, by all means, throw something together. But if the working title and plot for your film is "Bush Bites The Big One" leave it well enough alone!


Using stock footage of interviews with important people and cutting between them from word to word to create a sentence is a dead giveaway. You will never get me to believe that Ann Coulter, Condi Rice, Henry Kissinger and Tom Delay all came together to voice the opinion that: "Bush...Is...A...Nazi...Damnit"

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