24 March 2007

Senate To Hold Hearing On Violent Movies And Children...Is It April Already?

Because there is nothing better to do, busy-body, handy-capable Senators are preparing to hold committee hearings and issue ANOTHER report vis-a-vis Horror movies and their perceived effect on children.

Perceived effect? Yes, that's what I said. I jumped around articles on this one and have never seen any empirical study showing any correlation between exposure to violent images or salty language and the explosion of children.

That's what it must be. I mean, Congress wouldn't do this little dance once every other fucking year, if it wasn't making kids spontaneously blow-up, right? It's not just to whip up support for their party candidates in the '08 Presidential election, right?

Wrong! That's exactly it. Listen up Congress, every time you whip up this little frenzy over what kids can and cannot see to rub the nipples of your constituents, you drive them right to those evil, evil pleasures. Ask any kid, a CD with a parental advisory sticker is vastly more appealing than one without.

I'd love to get a copy of the love-letter the recording industry sent to the PMRC when their sales spiked.

And round and round we go. I'm off to see Dead Silence!

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