Justin Seay's grandmother was so shocked at the news that she spent an hour beating her 'boy' who does odd-jobs for her around the house. He was only ever referred to as "Boy" and a proper name was never obtained.
A drunken Seay appears in the film with two fellow Chi Psi frat brothers, and the boisterous trio acquits themselves exactly as you'd expect. In the suit, Seay contends that last October the "Borat" crew got him and his pals drunk and encouraged them to engage in "behavior that they otherwise would not have engaged in."
When asked to comment, some other jar headed motherfuckers from the Chi Psi Fraternity said: "WHOOOOOOOOOOO!" Then showed our reporter their asses without being asked to do so. They had been drinking for around thirty-nine hours straight.
The amount being sought in damages in the suit is thus far unknown.
So what? Fuck this guy and all his 'roughneck,' no-brain, meat headed, beer swilling friends. If you drink to excess and perform in front of a camera I have no sympathy for you. Alcohol only ever makes you act more like yourself. And these fucking guys were sub-human.
They weren't physically harmed in any way nor were they debased of their basic human rights. I wonder if this guy has ever 'taken advantage' (i.e. fucked like a pig) a girl while she was drunk and/or otherwise incapacitated. (Answer: of Course). I wonder what she thinks of this suit. Can she still feel his diseased cracker seed running down her thigh? Fuck him!
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