SOPRANOSLAND, NJ October 26, 2006 -- In a massive blow to the egos of the country's remaining out and out bigots (homophobes) New Jersey's Supreme Court has decided that gay people are afforded the same rights and privileges as every other citizen.
Many who have long heralded homosexuality and the homosexual agenda as a breeding ground for the collapse of the American family are sure to shed a few very, very queer tears at the news.
Leading Conservative Douche bag and Pill-Popper Extraordinaire Rush Limbaugh had this to say: "See this is what I'm talking about. Let Hollywood run their faggy movies and you get a California where queers can sodomize any...Wait, this happened in New Jersey? Well, I'll take a shot in the mouth."
Many of the left, including Radio Host Russ Leiber were overjoyed at the news. "Gays are castigated and bashed in this country. It's strange. It's not as if we have a history of hating a group of people because they were born a certain way."
Mr. Leiber then remembered Slavery, Segregation, Anti-Semitism, Japanese Internment Camps, Women's Suffrage, and unfounded Islamist bigotry. He subsequently had a severe temporal Aneurysm and fell dead.
He will be missed.
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